Tuesday, May 19, 2009


When I was around 17/18 I had a very important realization in my life. This was a realization which I still remind myself today of. It was the one which revealed to me how EASY it is to live a 2nd best life. This was at a point and time of life that I knew God had a plan and purpose for my life. But one thing scared me, my ability to just cruise into a comfort zone..... a zone were I really achieved nothing much of worth and focused only on pleasing myself.

I have seen so many people around me with potenial to do something GREAT & SIGNIFICANT with their lives. But wither it was their surroundings, environment or laziness they end up fading into the "normal" category. If you want to be in the "normal" category, expect a "AVERAGE LIFE". One thing I can promise you is God does NOT design NORMAL plans for your life, God has said he will give you "Exceeding Abundantly above ALL that you may think or ask...... " This isn`t just a nice verse to tickle your ears, It is the truth....

We go to work and sacrafice our time in order to recieve money. We go to the gym and sacrafice time in order to stay in shape and maintain health. We sacrafice time to study in school in order to recieve knowledge. One verse I have came to love is " To whom much is given, much is required". This means if you want to live the most exciting life possible, you are going to have to make a commitement, an inestment, a sacrafice...... But in return through your giving & sacrafice you recieve that abundant life, the dreams of your heart, things you thought would never be possible..... THATS A promise... Not from me. But God!!!

LIFE IS BUT A VAPOR.... I cant believe how much time has passed since I last posted. I slipped into the comfort zone with this blog. I wasn`t intentional. Dont let this happen with your life.

An essential element to the comfort zone is the stepping out in faith, into the "not so sure /unknown zone". This is exactly where God is in FULL operation. This is were he wants us, because when we are out of control we rely on him. We need to be taking risks to progress..... No other way, we need to be taking risks to grow in faith.....and to do Gods Will!!

1 comment:

brendan said...

you talk alot of sense. very interesting blog!!!