Monday, March 2, 2009

Live your heart, NOT your feelings

Just recently I have been thinking pretty intensely about basic principals of life. I realised that a lot of the time when I wasn’t on an emotional high and or feeling happy I wouldn`t be as inclined to love on people, share with people and just befriend them. In our world we have a lot of people associating Christianity with an emotional high at the weekend, but lacking that heart connection, knowledge and understanding. I used to always wonder was it right to talk about God even when your not feeling very fired up at all?!.....Is it right to encourage people in their faith even when yours isn’t at a peak….?!!! YESSS!!!!!!.....

Psalms 119v 11

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you

This simple, but effective verse shows us that, even when we are weak we need have to the knowledge and understanding of the scriptures to enable us to do what is best for God and us, EVEN when we don’t feel pumped, or when our emotions aren’t sky high.........
One of the most popular scriptures in the bible is
Matthew 6:33:

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and THEN all these things will be ADD ONTO YOU”

When Jesus tells us to "seek first the kingdom of God," the very word "seek" implies a strong-minded pursuit. J. B. Phillips paraphrases the idea with "set your heart on." The Amplified Bible says, "Aim at and strive after." The original Greek text states a continual command: "Keep on continually seeking." The thought is determination, which I define as "deciding to hang in there regardless.” We need to keep in mind the difference between natural sight and supernatural vision. When we look at life with vision, we perceive events and circumstances with God's thoughts. And because His thoughts are higher and more profound than our mere ‘horizontal thinking’, they have a way of softening the blows of calamity and giving us hope through tragedy and loss. It also enables us to handle with wisdom, those times of prosperity and popularity. I know of no more valuable technique in the pursuit of successful living than sheer determination.

Nothing works better than persistence – persistence in godliness, determination to stay diligent in study, persistence in commitment to the priorities of ministry, determination in working with people. I often remind myself of those familiar words in 2 Timothy 4:2, "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season." That's a nice way of saying, ‘Hang in there’! Do it when determination comes naturally and also when it is hard to come by. Do it when you're up, do it when you're down. Do it when you feel like it, do it when you don't feel like it. Do it when it's hot, do it when it's cold. Keep on doing it. Don't give up. That is persistence and determination. When you get whipped or when you win, the secret is staying at it.

Phil:)....p.s He will NEVER let you down!!:)

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Good Stuff Phil! Encouraged me in the respect to stay persistent all the time. Day or night, hot or cold. Thanks Bro! Keep Pushing!